Add or edit benefits for your employees, as well as sort them by categories.
To manage benefits:
- Go to “Settings” and click “Benefits” (1).
- Click “Add benefit” (2) to create a new type of benefit, or click the pencil icon (3) next to an existing benefit to edit it.
- Use Smart filters (4) to narrow down results and find information about the benefits that apply to specific employees or groups of employees faster.
To add or edit benefits:
- Add a name and add it to a category (1).
- Specify a start date and an end date (2).
- Optionally, specify a cost, cost period, currency, and describe this type of benefit (3).
- Select which employees this type of benefit applies to (4). Choose “All employees” or filter by Location, Division, Department, Job title, and/or Employment status, or select a specific employee.
Note: You can create different categories to sort benefits. To do so, click “Add category” from the Benefits screen. |