When you create your TalentHR domain, all major holidays are automatically added to your calendar based on your location. You can edit or delete existing holidays, as well as add additional holidays to your company’s calendar.
You can edit the name and date of any holiday. You can also choose if a holiday applies to all employees, certain groups of employees, or individual employees based on one or more of the following parameters: Location, Division, Department, Job title, Employment status.
To edit or delete holidays:
- Navigate to “Settings” and click “Holidays” (1).
- Here, you have the option to edit or delete existing holidays. Click the pencil icon to edit an existing holiday, or click the recycle bin icon (2) to delete it.
To add new holidays:
- Navigate to “Settings” and click “Holidays”.
- Click “Add holiday” (3).
- Add a name and date for your holiday, and select who it applies to (4). You can choose all employees or narrow it down by Location, Division, Department, Job title, Employment status, Employee.