Smart search lets you easily locate an employee or a document with minimal effort. Additionally, it lets you navigate to different parts of your TalentHR domain.
Start typing in the search box and the related options will be shown.
The smart search feature allows you to locate any document by file name (1) or file extension (2).
When it comes to employees, you can search for an employee by name (3) or by their location, department, division, or job title (4) to locate them.
Finally, here’s a list of all the quick command options available that will help you navigate within your domain. Just type any of the keywords from the left side of the list into the Search bar (5) to open the corresponding page(s):
- Keyword: “Help”, “Support” -> Opens the support widget (only available for HR Managers + Admins)
- Keyword: “Import” -> Opens the employees/import page
- Keyword: “Change”, “Password” -> Opens the change-password page
- Keyword: “People”, “Employees”, “Users” -> Opens the People page
- Keyword: “Documents” -> Opens the Documents page
- Keyword: “Calendar” -> Open the Calendar
- Keyword: “Action”, “For Action”, “Tasks” -> Opens the my-todos/my-tasks page
- Keyword: “Time Off”, “Requests” -> Open the my-todos/time-off-requests page
- Keyword: “Profile” -> Opens the my-profile/personal page
- Keyword: “Education” -> Opens the my-profile/education page
- Keyword: “Job”, “Benefits” ->Opens the my-profile/job page
- Keyword: “Documents” -> Opens the my-profile/documents page
- Keyword: “Time Off” -> Opens the my-profile/time_off page
- Keyword: “Training” -> Opens the my-profile/training page
- Keyword: “Performance” -> Open the my-profile/performance page
- Keyword: “Budget” -> Opens the settings/time-off/budget page
- Keyword: “Domain”, “Company Logo”, “Links”, “Language”, “Colors” -> Opens the settings/domain-settings page
- Keyword: “Performance”, “Benefits”, “Holidays”, “Location”, “Division”, “Department”, “Integrations”, “TimeOff”, “Subscription”, “Billing” -> Opens the settings/Keyword page
- Keyword: “Onboarding”, “Offboarding” -> Opens the settings/task-management/Keyword page
- Keyword: “Headcount”, “AgeProfile”, “Hires”, “Leaves”, “Gender”, “Compensation”, “Seniority”, “Location”, “Division”, “Department”, “Time Off”, “Performance”, “Timeline”, “Export” -> Opens the reports/Keyword page
- Keyword: "Org" -> Opens the people/org page
- Keyword: "Directory" -> Opens the people/dir page