Note: The Slack integration is in Beta and available to all plans (Free, Essential, Premium) until December 31, 2024. From January 1, 2025, only Premium plan subscribers will be able to activate this integration. Existing activations will remain unaffected. For more details, visit our Pricing page. |
Once you’ve activated the Slack integration with your TalentHR portal, you can use TalentHR’s most popular features without leaving Slack. Just click on the “TalentHR” app (1) within your Slack workspace and to the “Messages” (2) tab to get started!
The following commands are available to all employees:
Check your available time off balances
command: /talenthr-timeoff [optional: time_off_type]
Calculate how much time off is available to you. If you don’t specify the type of time off, you will get results about all your time-off types (1).
Alternatively, enter a specific type of time off only (2).
Lookup employee information from the employee directory(“People”)
command: /talenthr-whois [email or name]
Find basic information about people in your company. Search for anyone by name (1) or email (2).
See who in the organization is out of the office today and/or tomorrow
command: /talenthr-whosout [optional: today | tomorrow]
Check who is out today (1) or tomorrow (2) in the entire company. If you don’t specify the day, you will get results about today only.
See who's out of the office from your team or peers
command: /talenthr-whosout [optional: today | tomorrow] [optional: team | peers]
Check who is out today or tomorrow from your team(the people you manage) (1), or from the people in your peer group (people under the same manager as yours) (2).
Note: The possible combinations are:
/talenthr-whosout today team |
In addition to the commands that are available to everyone, managers can use TalentHR in Slack to:
- Be notified that a new time-off request is ready for their review.
- Accept or Reject a new time-off request.
For example (1):