Edit the allotted budgets for all types of time off, either for all employees in your organization, or, on an individual level.
Note: Time off budgets can be allotted in decimal formats too. The lowest fraction the system will accept is 0.001 days. |
To edit time off budgets:
- Navigate to Settings, go to Time off, and click Budget (1).
- Choose which year you wish to edit the available time off budgets for (2).
- You will see all members of your organization on this screen. Use the + and - buttons (3) next to each type of time off to change its allocated budget for all employees.
- Alternatively, you can edit time off budgets for employees in a specific location, division or department. Filter your employee list by location, division, or department (4) before increasing or reducing their time off budgets, or search for an employee by name (5).
- To increase or reduce time off budgets for individual employees use the + and - buttons (6) next to the specific employee for each type of time off.
- Alternatively and in case you want to add to or remove less than an entire day from an employee’s budget, type directly into the respective field (7) of the employee’s corresponding type of time off.