Edit your user profile information by logging in to your TalentHR account. Click on “My profile” (1) to open your user profile.
General information
Your profile will show the following information regardless of the tab selected:
- Profile image
- Department
- Division
- Location
- Contact details (Phone number and Email address)
To change any of this information, hover over the info you wish to edit and click the pencil icon (2), if available. Below that information, you can see your assigned Manager. You can see any employee(s) you're the Manager of under "My team". Employees at the same level as you in the organizational chart will be shown under "My peers". In addition, your user profile includes the following tabs (3):
Add any personal info missing from your profile or update it at any time. You can add a link to your LinkedIn account, as well as emergency contact information.
Keep your profile up to date with information regarding your formal education.
The ability to edit job information is only available to HR Managers.
My documents
Access the documents uploaded directly to your user profile. You can also upload documents here for safekeeping.
My tasks
Keep track of your pending and completed tasks and revisit previous tasks.
Time off
Check your available time off per type. This tab contains a history of all your previous time off requests, their type, duration, and status (whether they were approved or not).
Review and manage your TalentLMS training, if the TalentLMS integration has been enabled. Read more here.
Access any previous or pending performance reviews about you or your people.
See all of your currently assigned assets, whether they are inventory or memberships. The ability to assign or delete assets is only available to HR Managers.